Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Greetings to President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping

The message reads, in part:
“Three quarters of a century ago, we were the first country to recognise the People’s Republic of China, and immediately forged a strong bond between our two
nations. I can say with great certainty that the close and mutually beneficial
relations between Moscow and Beijing have stood the test of time and succeeded
in this endeavour with honour.
Today, Russia-China ties are at an all-time
high. Our two countries have been proactive in working together on political,
trade and economic matters, as well as in science and technology, and a plethora of other domains. We have been effective in coordinating our efforts
when dealing with regional and international affairs for building a multipolar
world order with greater justice for all.
I am confident that fulfilling the bilateral
agreements resulting from our latest meetings will contribute to further
strengthening the comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation between
Russia and the PRC, as well as ensure stability and security on the Eurasian
continent and across the world.”
